20 April 2012

Finally Friday!

*I* haven't been waiting for the weekend, but Grayson definitely has. Tomorrow he turns 4. He is EX-CI-TED!!! There is a long list of things he has requested for his birthday - pretty much anything that has a commercial or tv show. LOL!

So this weekend will be filled with happiness and celebration. And probably a few moments of mommy wondering where the time has gone and hoping for only great things for his future. (I can't help it, even I get mushy and sentimental sometimes.)

But rather than go all sentimental on you guys, I'll just share a layout. This one was an adaptation of a sketch from A Cherry On Top. The kids loved the Easter Egg Hunt this year.

Everything on this page is from various designers, so no individual credit is given. Hope you enjoy your weekend as much as we will!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh, he's 4 already?! Happy birthday to Grayson!!